The Nominations Committee has officially announced that the 2014 NOPHNRCSE nomination process will be conducted again for the Secretary position from August 10 – 17, 2014.

NOTE:  It is the nominator’s responsibility to make sure the person being nominated accepts the nomination. The Nominations Committee will not call each nominee to check.

You must be a website registered user and a paid member to be able to vote online.

The form displays all the vacant positions for this year, but please only submit nominations for the SECRETARY position. 

  • Click this link to go to online nominations form. – Note: you must be a paid member of NOPHNRCSE and have entered your membership information on this website in order to nominate online. You can login to the website on the Login Form to the right.
Nominator and Nominee Eligibility
  1. Nominees must be members in good standing. Person nominating must be a member in good standing. Please ask the person being nominated if they are members in good standing and if they accept the nomination before submitting the name.
  2. The regional representatives will be nominated on by membership of the region represented only.
  3. Member in good standing: NOPHNRCSE membership dues MUST be paid by April 30, 2014 and those members that participated in payroll allotment in 2014.
  4. Members can nominate using online form on the NOPHNRCSE website (see link to form above and at the end of this page).
Nomination and Voting Procedure
  1. All NOPHNRCSE members in good standing can nominate for President, Executive Vice-President and Secretary.  This year we will be nominating the Regional Representatives of the Caribbean, East, Midwest, and Northern Plains region. Members from each specific region can nominate only for the regional representative of their region.
  2. Nominations are due on August 17, 2014.

Questions about the nominations process should be directed via email to Mike Castillo or by phone at 830-752-5812.

The 2014 Election Committee would like to thank all those that participated in the 2014 Election process in some form or other. Any organization is as strong as its members who care enough to participate in the process. Please participate in this important process.

The 2014 Election/Nominations Committee members are:

Mike Castillo, TX. Chair, SC Region
Tamara Buitenwerf, IA, Vice Chair, NP Region
Kristin Graham Chavez. AZ. Member, West Region
Russell Castro, TX, Member, SC Region
Louie Gamboa, CO. Member, Mid West Region